Oyo PDP Celebrates Governor Makinde’s One-Year Anniversary, Applauds Achievements


The Oyo State Chapter of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has congratulated Governor Seyi Makinde on his first-year anniversary in office, lauding his administration’s notable accomplishments across various sectors.

In a statement issued by the acting publicity secretary, Mr. Ogunsina Michael, the PDP praised Governor Makinde for his unwavering dedication, vision, and groundbreaking achievements. The party highlighted the Governor’s significant contributions to security, education, agriculture, worker welfare, and infrastructure.

Governor Makinde’s efforts to enhance security have made Oyo State safer, earning widespread approval from residents. His administration’s strides in education have substantially reduced the number of out-of-school children, ensuring a brighter future for the state’s youth.

The PDP also commended Governor Makinde’s performance in agriculture, noting that his initiatives have boosted the state’s economy and created numerous employment opportunities. Additionally, his commitment to the welfare of state workers has fostered a harmonious working environment, contributing to overall productivity.

A standout feature of Governor Makinde’s tenure is his focus on infrastructure development. The PDP noted that his projects have improved connectivity across the state, facilitating economic growth and easing movement for residents. One notable project is the upcoming commissioning of the Ogbomoso-Fapote-Iseyin 76.67km road, which underscores the Governor’s commitment to infrastructural development.

The party expressed optimism about the remaining three years of Governor Makinde’s term, anticipating the completion and commissioning of numerous ongoing projects. The PDP is confident that these initiatives will further propel the state toward sustained development and prosperity.

The PDP reiterated their pride in Governor Makinde’s achievements and their support for his continued efforts to improve Oyo State. They believe that with Governor Makinde at the helm, the state is on a promising path to greater heights.

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