Inclusive Distribution of Palliatives: Recognizing Private Sector Workers in Nigeria | Femi Ajiboye

As the world grapples with unprecedented challenges, ensuring equitable distribution of resources has taken center stage. Nigeria, a country with a diverse population and varying economic sectors, faces the responsibility of distributing palliatives to mitigate the impacts of crises. While the distribution of palliatives has been a longstanding practice in Nigeria, it is essential that the state governments remember private sector workers in this endeavor. This article explores the history of food palliatives in Nigeria and delves into reasons why the private sector workers should not be overlooked during the distribution process.
The concept of providing food palliatives to citizens in times of crisis has been present in Nigeria for decades. One of the earliest instances dates back to the 1970s during the oil crisis when the government distributed food items to alleviate the economic hardships caused by reduced oil revenues. Since then, the practice has continued during various crises, including economic downturns, natural disasters, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
While the intention behind distributing palliatives is undoubtedly noble, the efficacy of the distribution often hinges on its inclusivity. Private sector workers, who contribute significantly to the country’s economy, often find themselves excluded from the distribution process. This oversight can be attributed to a lack of accurate data on this group, as well as a focus on more visible informal sector workers.
Private sector workers play a pivotal role in driving economic growth. Ignoring them during palliative distribution can lead to a significant loss in productivity and hinder the recovery process. Private sector workers often experience job insecurity, especially during times of crisis.
Recognizing them in palliative distribution demonstrates the government’s commitment to their well-being and boosts their morale.
Also, accurate data collection is crucial for targeted and effective distribution. Incorporating private sector workers in data collection efforts ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the population’s needs.
As an inclusive approach to palliative distribution fosters social stability by reducing disparities and preventing resentment among different segments of the population. The private sector is a driving force behind innovation and development. By supporting private sector workers during challenging times, the government invests in the country’s long-term growth.
In conclusion, the annals of Nigeria’s history, the distribution of food palliatives has served as a lifeline during times of crisis. However, it is paramount that this distribution is carried out with an all-encompassing approach. By remembering private sector workers, the government not only acknowledges their contributions but also lays the foundation for a more resilient and inclusive society. As Nigeria continues to navigate challenges, a holistic distribution of palliatives will undoubtedly lead to a stronger, united, and more prosperous nation.