The Struggle for Legacy in Ogbomoso North PDP: A Battle Between Ayoade and Ogunlade


The recent clash between Hon. Kabir Ayoade and Hon. George Ogunlade over a seemingly mundane issue—the operation of a government-owned grader—has revealed a deeper rift within the Ogbomoso North chapter of the PDP. At the heart of this conflict is not just the dispute over the machine, but a broader struggle for legacy, leadership, and influence.

For Ayoade, who led Ogbomoso North Local Government until he was succeeded by Ogunlade, the controversy is personal. The former chairman’s swift and public rebuttal suggests that he feels a need to protect his record, especially as Ogunlade attempts to position himself as a reformer. Ayoade’s administration faced the challenge of dealing with dilapidated government properties, and the grader was one of the first assets he rehabilitated to save costs.

“We discovered our fair share of the decay and neglect of government properties during my administration. The grader was one of those we identified and repaired in record time,” Ayoade said, defending his legacy. His frustration with Ogunlade’s claims is evident, as he accuses the current chairman of distorting facts to bolster his public image.

On the other side of the conflict, Ogunlade’s public statement appears to reflect his desire to showcase progress and development under his leadership. The announcement about the grader was meant to symbolize his administration’s commitment to infrastructure and the revival of government assets. However, his misstep in attributing the grader’s operation to Ogbomoso North Local Government—rather than Ogbomoso North Central LCDA—has opened him up to criticism.

This altercation is not just about machinery; it speaks to the politics of succession and the delicate nature of leadership transitions in local governance. Both men, as leaders of the PDP in Ogbomoso North, are vying to shape the narrative of who did what—and, more importantly, who did it better.

The stakes in this disagreement are high. As the 2027 gubernatorial elections in Oyo State approach, political figures like Ayoade and Ogunlade are keen to establish themselves as key influencers in their party. Both men likely have ambitions that extend beyond their current positions, and how they manage public perception will be critical in their future political prospects.

For Ayoade, maintaining his image as an efficient and effective leader is crucial. Any attempt to discredit his achievements, no matter how small, could have long-lasting implications on his standing within the party. Similarly, Ogunlade, as the current chairman, must demonstrate progress and development to solidify his hold on power and ensure he has the backing of both the electorate and party members.

This episode also highlights the fragility of unity within local political chapters. The PDP in Ogbomoso North must now navigate this public dispute, ensuring that it does not escalate into a deeper factional crisis that could weaken the party’s chances in future elections.

As both Ayoade and Ogunlade continue to spar over governance records, party members and residents of Ogbomoso North are left watching. Will these leaders find common ground and work together for the good of the community, or will this spat lead to a deeper divide that threatens party cohesion?

Only time will tell. But for now, the political temperature in Ogbomoso North PDP remains hot, with both past and present leadership fighting to protect their legacies.

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